Tuesday 20 February 2018

Week 12 Part 1: The good, the bad and the ugly

The good thing that happened today is that I seem to have stumbled on a good physiotherapist in Kirstine Herbert.  I have never had such a thorough examination or detailed explanation of problems/possible problems from a physio I've used before and should I have need for a phsyio in the future she will definitely be my first port of call.

The bad of course being that I felt the need to go and see a physiotherapist.  After running 22 miles on Sunday the ankle that my errant son stomped on a few weeks ago was definitely sore.  Sore to the almost limping point when I first woke up on Monday.  I applied ice regularly through the day, did a lot of massage on my stiff calf, general mobility, and all the ankle strength maintenance I normally do to compensate for my hypermobility - what we used to call double jointed when I was a kid.  I also made an appointment to see a phsyio on a recommendation from a club member.

By the end of the day to my surprise it was practically pain free and when I woke up this morning it was stiff but I felt OK to run.  I ended up just doing a recovery run, 9 or so lovely miles in the sunshine at a moderate pace.  I sang.  Loudly.  In the sunshine.  Yeah that's right, the sunshine.  It was sufficiently pleasant I wore shorts.  Lovely.

On getting home it was a little stiff and sore but not terrible, but I decided to keep the appointment with the physio.  I also noticed a point in the inside of my knee was somewhat sore when I bent and stretched it.

The physiotherapist wasn't too concerned about the ankle and I have a "more of the same" in terms of how I was managing it which was a relief.

Now we're on to the ugly.   The knee, which was a bit of an afterthought when I went, was still painful on bending and moving.  It turns out when poked in just the right spot it is really very painful, and apparently the more concerning of the two problems.  I'm told this is called my pes anserinus, or goose foot, and apparently it appears to be inflamed probably as a result of tightness in surrounding muscles.  So, I need a few days rest to let the inflammation in my knee subside, I need to sort out the over-tight surrounding muscles, I need to take ibruprofen, and I need to cross train for a few days rather than running.  I'm having tomorrow off completely.   

I'm also self medicating one of my husband's ale's.  The first ale I have had in 11 1/2 weeks.  Fingers crossed by the weekend I'll be back on my feet.  Things had been going so well, and I do feel like they're falling apart on me a little over the last couple of weeks. 

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