Sunday 3 December 2017

And So It Begins!

In the beginning there was just a plan.  I have a plan.  I have most of a plan anyway.  Let's call it more of a guide.  The guide starts tomorrow.

This week it's a definite plan as I want to see how my body holds up to running five days a week.  In an ideal world I want run five days a week through most of the next 18 weeks.  A few months ago this would have been a pipe dream but I'm hopeful that my calves, ankles and Achilles are now strong enough to hold up to it.  If they don't some of the runs are going to need to be replaced by cross training, and I'm accepting I may need to be flexible about what I want to do.

In preparation for starting marathon training I had planned a really light week last week mileage and pace wise, which was slightly messed up by a cross country race on Saturday.  The cross country race was in turn interfered with by the running club's Christmas party on the Friday where I got disgracefully drunk.  I wouldn't normally get drunk the night before a race, but having someone to look after the kids so I can go out with my husband is such a rarity I threw caution to the wind, left the car at home, had a drink and quite a bit of fun while telling myself the race would be fine anyway.  The race was not fine.  The race was horrific.  I was still somewhat drunk, or hungover, or possibly some terrible place in between, when I ran on Saturday lunchtime.  The race was a write off, I couldn't race, I could barely run in places although I did manage to finish.  On an up note, having run a lot slower than I would have liked my legs do at least feel fresh and ready for some serious training this week. 

I feel boingy and very much ready to forget about both cross country and wine, and get some running done on some nice tarmac for a while. I'm absolutely itching to get at it. 

I imagine this enthusiasm is going to wear off pretty quickly when reality hits and all the training I've planned this week - none of which is beyond me when considered in isolation - starts to stack up in my legs and I'm running dog tired and on my own at night next weekend.

Still, right now, boing!


  1. Be prepared to start eating a phenomenal amount of food, Sarah! Good luck with the training. If I can keep up with you, I'm happy to support 🤔

    1. Thanks Pete!

      I already eat a phenomenal amount of food and this is actually worrying me a bit. Monitoring my weight and seeing how it goes.

      Although clearly I'm assuming that if I start to use protein shakes after running I'm going to have thigh muscles like Tim Caldwell within the next week and a half. :D
